Associated Fees

I recognize that initiating an evaluation requires a significant investment of both time and money, but I firmly believe that the invaluable insights gained are a worthwhile investment in your child’s long-term well-being and success.

Psychoeducational Testing is not typically covered by insurance companies. Testing for Psychological Functioning may be partially covered by your insurance.  If you have an insurance policy for out-of-network billing, I will provide you with the necessary documentation that you can submit for reimbursement. However, please check with your insurance provider first to gain an understanding of coverage and its limitations.

Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations

My complete fee for a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation for children 7 years and older is $5000$2500 of which is due on the first session for the Parent Interview: Initial Consultation and Information Gathering.

The fee for a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation for children under 7 years is $3500, $1500 of which is due at the first date of service.

Abbreviated Autism Screenings

If you have been referred for a limited screening to clarify whether or not your child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) contributing to developmental delays, we can provide a brief, targeted evaluation. This screening includes a discussion of the developmental history with a parent or caregiver as well as an observation of the child during the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), a semi-structured assessment designed to assess social and communicative behaviors. The ADOS will be used along with a standardized parent rating scale of symptoms.

The fee for the ASD screening is $1500, which includes the interview, approximately 1 hour of testing, as well as scoring and interpretation of the screening in addition to a standardized report of symptoms.

Abbreviated Gifted Evaluations

When parents are seeking testing to determine a child’s eligibility for gifted education programming, an abbreviated assessment battery may be completed.

The State of Florida outlines the following eligibility criteria for gifted programming:

• A need for a special program

• Superior intellectual development

• An Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of two or more standard deviations above the mean on an individually administered standardized test of intelligence

• A majority of characteristics of gifted children according to a standard scale or checklist

• Eligibility requirements as outlined in Plan B of the Revised Gifted Rule for Underrepresented

Populations (for low socioeconomic students and English Language Learners [ELL])

To facilitate the determination of eligibility for gifted programming, we will complete the following:

  • An abbreviated parent interview
  • A standardized intelligence test
  • A brief behavior rating scale that examines clinical risks and adaptive strengths
  • A written report that outlines assessment results
  • A feedback session

It is important to note that the Educational Plan (EP) Team in each school reviews the student’s data and determines eligibility for the gifted program. As previously outlined, the district considers many variables when determining that a student needs a special advanced academic program. Intellectual functioning is only one aspect when considering whether or not your child would benefit from an advanced curriculum.

The fee for the abbreviated gifted evaluation is $1,000, $500 of which is due on the first session for the Parent Interview: Initial Consultation and Information Gathering.

Additional Testing

Sometimes, parents seek testing of very specific areas. Perhaps only testing of academic or developmental functioning is needed, or perhaps only a personality measure is requested to guide treatment planning.  Additional psychological testing is available as needed and as appropriate at the rate of $300 for the first hour and $250 for each hour thereafter. This rate applies to time spent testing and to time spent report writing.

Follow-up Consultation

I will provide follow-up consultation to school staff, attend any educational staffing, or participate in any collaborative meetings with other stakeholders at the rate of $250 per hour.


Did you already have an evaluation completed but still want to gain a deeper understanding of the results and implications or to gain more individualized recommendations? I can review documents and data and provide an individualized consultation video meeting at the rate of $250 per hour.